Exit tickets

Exit Tickets for ESL Students

How can we tie a bow to wrap everything up at the end of the lesson? Exit tickets are the key to finishing the class and assessing our learners!  They are quick check-ins with your ESL students and they let us know if they have understood what we worked on that day.

Exit tickets

As ESL teachers we may have students with different levels of English. Beginner ESL EFL students lack the ability to express themselves fully in English so a simple exit ticket might be appropriate. You can ask learners to show thumbs up or thumbs down to check understanding or ask them simple questions that require them to rate themselves on a scale from one to five. See this example:

Students with an intermediate or upper intermediate level can start responding to questions or prompts. There are prompts that can document learning, others emphasize the process of learning, and others that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. See these examples:

How can you use exit tickets?

  • Oral Activity: You can project them visually on an overhead or blackboard. Ask learners to line up and as they reach the door, they answer the question or share the concept they learned on that day.
  • Written Activity: Print the exit tickets and hand them out to your students so they write down their responses. Collect them before they leave and use them as a part of their assessment portfolios.   

So what do you think? Are you ready to assess your learners using these ideas? You can download my exit tickets for FREE! Click HERE!

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