How to get started with Podcasts in the ESL Classroom

How to get started with Podcasts in the ESL Classroom

Podcasts in the ESL classroom are an excellent tool of communication for your ESL EFL learners. Podcasts can give them agency, language practice, and above all, an authentic purpose for writing and speaking in English. The good news is …It’s not as hard as it might seem! Let’s start off by acknowledging some advantages of podcasting! 

podcast esl

First of all, students can develop writing skills when planning a podcast. It is essential to write a script to organize ideas and make sure that students won’t forget what they want to say. Secondly, they can improve their pronunciation since they have to read the scripts many times to polish sounds and enhance fluency.  Thirdly, they can interact with a real audience. The people listening to the podcast can send their comments, give feedback and suggestions, etc. Imagine how exciting it is for our learners to find an authentic way to make their voices heard! Finally, students are the CREATORS of their own content. This is a great  motivation because students feel that they are active participants in their learning paths.

Some Ideas for podcasts!

  • Make a review of a movie, book, or video game 
  •  Discuss a topic of your interest
  •  Provide a dramatic reading of a poem and then analyze it
  •  Interview an interesting person
  •  Share a personal story
  •  Share inspiring stories
  •  Radio Play
  •  Tutorial

Some tips when starting with podcasts!

  • Have students listen to models first (For ESL students, these are excellent podcasts: Luke’s ENGLISH Podcast, Global News Podcast, Better at English, 60 Second Science).
  • Guide them in brainstorming ideas for their show and writing their scripts.
  • Teach them how to record a podcast. Vocaroo is an easy tool they can use but there are others they might find useful too.

Would you like to listen to some of my students’ podcasts? Click HERE!

All in all, podcasts are a great tool to make our learners not only improve their language skills but also stimulate them to communicate their thoughts authentically and in a relevant way. They are perfect for all types of students because they allow them to create a meaningful, useful, shared product. 

I hope these ideas get you thinking about whether this might be a powerful addition to your own classes and give you some starting points for how you can get started with podcasts.

You can visit my store if you want to get my step-by-step lesson plan on podcasts! Just Click HERE!

Have an amazing day!


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